Bunker A

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"A hardened bunker manned with machine gunners."
Mission Editor Description

The Bunker A is a stationary ground defense emplacement that is available to both factions in VTOL VR.

It is armed with deadly machine guns that will fire at both air and ground units coming near it. Bunkers can shoot at a target from any side, but are limited by their range and firing angle, meaning they will usually not be a threat to fixed-wing aircraft unless deliberately approached.

The most notable aspect of the Bunker is how hard it is to destroy. Cannons and Rocket pods are unable to harm bunkers, as well as most AGMs. However, Bunkers can be destroyed using any of the available bombs in the game, or any of the following missiles:

Allied Military
Aircraft AH-94AV-42CB-11 BomberE-4 OverlordEF-24GF-45AF/A-26BKC-49 TankerMQ-31T-55
Ground Units Boxer APCBoxer IFVC-RAM TruckGECM TruckInfantry (MANPADS) • Logistics TruckMobile Missile Warning TruckM1 TankRocket Artillery TruckSLAM TruckSRAD TruckWatchman Truck
Stationary Emplacements Bunker ABunker B • Backstop SAM (Launcher/Radar) • CIWS TurretDecoy LauncherDecoy Radar TransmitterIRMD Launcher • SAM-P (Launcher/Radar) • SAM S/A Radar (Allied)
Sea Aircraft CarrierAllied CruiserAssault Carrier
Buildings Early Warning RadarFactory AStorage Tent AMissile Silo
(Parenthesis) denote unit variants.
Enemy Military
Aircraft AEW-50 BulwarkASF-30ASF-33ASF-58GAV-25HB-106 BomberManta UCAVT-55
Ground Units Hostile APCGECM TruckIFV-1Infantry (MANPADS) • IRAPCLogistics Truck • MAD-4 (Launcher/Radar) • Mobile Missile Warning TruckMPA-155Rocket Artillery TruckSAAW • SL-MRM (Launcher/Radar) • MBT2-E Tank
Stationary Emplacements Bunker ABunker BDecoy LauncherDecoy Radar TransmitterIRMD LauncherSAM Fire Control RadarSAM S/A Radar (Enemy)SAM LauncherZ20x2 Anti-Air Artillery
Sea DMS CruiserDrone CarrierGun Boat (Rocket Artillery, Minelayer) • NFP CarrierNMSS Cruiser
Buildings Early Warning RadarFactory AStorage Tent AMissile Silo
(Parenthesis) denote unit variants.