Hydra 70

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"A pod carrying a total of [X] high explosive rockets."
― Weapon Description

The Hydra 70 is a rocket pod available for the AV-42C, F/A-26B, AH-94, and T-55.

Each pod contains a number of unguided rockets, which are utilized similarly to an ordinary cannon. The rockets make up for their low explosive power with high speed and high capacity, allowing the user to destroy large numbers of soft targets such as light vehicles, groups of infantry, and radars. Hydra 70s are incapable of sinking any naval units larger than the Gun Boat, but can still be used to eliminate the individual systems on larger ships, such as their radars, AA guns, and launch tubes.


The Hydra 70 can be configured to use various different firing modes using the EQUIP menu. The menu contains various options for salvo sizes, as well as ripple modes.

  • Salvo: The amount of available Hydra 70 equipped Hardpoints being fired at once.
  • Ripple: The rate of fire at which Hydra rockets are fired when the trigger is held down, denoted in RPM. The options include:
    • Single - Fires once per trigger pull.
    • 400 - Continuously fires 400 salvos per minute.
    • 800 - Continuously fires 800 salvos per minute.
    • 1600 - Continuously fires 1600 salvos per minute.

Hydra 70s are best used from up close to a target due to their high inaccuracy and low individual damage. The optimal range to a target under regular conditions is under 3 nmi. They are best used to combat light enemy formations, such as Infantry or lightly armored vehicles like the IRAPC or Rocket Artillery Truck. Hydra rockets do begin to struggle when trying to destroy armored targets such as Tanks or Factories, which require multiple direct hits on the target to destroy them.

Rocket accuracy will be degraded if the aircraft's velocity vector is significantly misaligned with the Hydra's targeting reticle. Fixed-wing aircraft can mitigate this by deploying flaps to reduce their AoA.

Hydra rockets will self-detonate 15 seconds after launch if they have not yet hit a target.


  1. Enable the Master Arm switch.
  2. Turn on the TGP and set it to SOI.
    • Note: Using the TGP in combination with Hydras, while not required, will provide considerably more accuracy when used.
  3. Select the Hydra 70 as your current weapon.
  4. While holding the flight stick, use the thumb stick to slew the TGP reticle over the desired target. The reticle will snap to a unit and lock onto it.
  5. Fly towards the locked target and put the Hydra 70 aiming reticle over it.
    • Once in place, the Range Launch Authorization Lights will come on and the aircraft's Voice Warning System will announce: "Shoot!".
  6. Squeeze the trigger to fire the rockets.


The Hydra 70 pods come in various sizes, some of which are only available on certain aircraft.

  • 7x Hydra Pod: The smallest pod of any Hydra 70 variant but also the most widespread, being available for all four aircraft.
    • Cost: $190
    • Weight: 101 kg
  • 14x Hydra Pod: Two 7x Pods put together on a single pylon. These are only available to the F/A-26B and T-55.
    • Cost: $470
    • Weight: 211 kg
  • 16x Hydra Pod: A block of four 4x Hydra pods. Only available to the AV-42C and AH-94.
    • Cost: $420
    • Weight: 225 kg
  • 19x Hydra Pod: A larger version of the 7x Hydra pod and also the most commonly used. Only available to the AV-42C and AH-94.
    • Cost: $530
    • Weight: 271 kg
  • 57x Hydra Pod: Three 19x Hydra pods combined into a single unit. Only available to the AH-94.
    • Cost: $1640
    • Weight: 815 kg



  • The individual Hydra rockets in-game are colored blue. This normally indicates the projectile to be an inert training munition, which does not appear to be the case in VTOL VR.
  • The 7x and 19x Hydra 70 pods have some writing on their side which reads: "HYDRA ROCKET LAUNCHER - SHOOT THINGS"

See Also