SAM S/A Radar (Allied)

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"Long-distance detection and fire control radar. Can detect and track targets from any direction at great distances. For use by SAM units that don't have their own radar."
Mission Editor Description

The SAM S/A Radar (Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) designation: E) is a stationary rotating fire control radar system. This unit uses a rotating dish radar to search for targets within the local airspace. It can be connected up to SAM launchers to provide targeting and launch authorization for them.

The Radar is capable of scanning a full 360° and has a very long target acquisition range, with the downside of having a slower scan speed overall. This type of SAM radar is generally best employed in wide open and elevated areas, such as on top of hills. It has a detection range of about 55km (25nmi).

Allied Military
Aircraft AH-94AV-42CB-11 BomberE-4 OverlordEF-24GF-45AF/A-26BKC-49 TankerMQ-31T-55
Ground Units Boxer APCBoxer IFVC-RAM TruckGECM TruckInfantry (MANPADS) • Logistics TruckMobile Missile Warning TruckM1 TankRocket Artillery TruckSLAM TruckSRAD TruckWatchman Truck
Stationary Emplacements Bunker ABunker B • Backstop SAM (Launcher/Radar) • CIWS TurretDecoy LauncherDecoy Radar TransmitterIRMD Launcher • SAM-P (Launcher/Radar) • SAM S/A Radar (Allied)
Sea Aircraft CarrierAllied CruiserAssault Carrier
Buildings Early Warning RadarFactory AStorage Tent AMissile Silo
(Parenthesis) denote unit variants.