B-11 Bomber

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B11 TakingOff.jpg
"A supersonic strategic bomber. High payload and fuel capacity."
Mission Editor Description

The B-11 is the specialized bomber aircraft of the allied faction. This jet is designed with high-payload tactical carpet bombing in mind. It can reach very high speeds in the air, though its lack of maneuverability makes it somewhat vulnerable to hostile SAM sites and other fighters.


This bomber has a wide variety of weapons and is designed with low-altitude bombing runs in mind. It generally flies low and fast to avoid radars, making it apt for hit-and-run tactics. Its weapon variety also makes it a valuable asset in naval combat, giving it plenty of ways to hit enemy ships.


A B-11 from below with its weapon bays open.

The weapons that the B-11 can equip, as listed in its Equip tab in the Mission Editor. All hardpoints can equip the same weapons.

Allied Military
Aircraft AH-94AV-42CB-11 BomberE-4 OverlordEF-24GF-45AF/A-26BKC-49 TankerMQ-31T-55
Ground Units Boxer APCBoxer IFVC-RAM TruckGECM TruckInfantry (MANPADS) • Logistics TruckMobile Missile Warning TruckM1 TankRocket Artillery TruckSLAM TruckSRAD TruckWatchman Truck
Stationary Emplacements Bunker ABunker B • Backstop SAM (Launcher/Radar) • CIWS TurretDecoy LauncherDecoy Radar TransmitterIRMD Launcher • SAM-P (Launcher/Radar) • SAM S/A Radar (Allied)
Sea Aircraft CarrierAllied CruiserAssault Carrier
Buildings Early Warning RadarFactory AStorage Tent AMissile Silo
(Parenthesis) denote unit variants.