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"A cruise missile designed to deliver a large payload to a ground target over a long distance."
― Weapon Description

The AGM-161 is a long-range GPS-guided cruise missile available to the F/A-26B, F-45A, T-55 and EF-24G.

The missile's high accuracy and long range make it useful for eliminating static targets that would require too much time or risk to engage using other armaments. The AGM-161 can be fired at a specific GPS point or follow a path of GPS points to a target. Although the AGM-161 is primarily guided by GPS, it also uses an imaging-infrared seeker during its terminal phase to identify its target. Due to using GPS guidance, the AGM-161 is ineffective against moving targets.

It is not recommended to employ the AGM-161 against naval vessels, both because they are often in motion and because the missile's warhead is insufficient to sink most ships in one shot. For attacking ships from long range, the AGM-89 is recommended instead.


The AGM-161's range makes it useful in performing SEAD, allowing the user to strike radars from outside the range of SAMs. The F-45A's Tactical Situation Display is especially effective at identifying radar locations from standoff range.

The AGM-161 has only limited terrain avoidance, so it is not recommended to fire the missile on GPS paths that are very close to mountains, buildings, or other obstructions.

It is not required for the GPS point marking the target to be at 0 altitude. If the GPS point is set at a high altitude, the missile will invert and fly directly downwards towards the target. This attack geometry is less likely to be intercepted.

The AGM-161 has a low RCS, especially when viewed from the front. Directing the missile to fly directly towards a radar will minimize the range before the missile is detected.

Although the missile can reach targets at ranges greater than 55nmi when launched from high altitude, the missile's speed will begin to drop off for ranges above 44nmi. If the missile has low speed during its terminal phase, it is much more likely to be intercepted by SAMs or AAA.

The AGM-161 can destroy bunkers.


  1. Enable the Master Arm switch.
  2. Open either the NAV Map or the TSD (if you're flying the F-45A or the EF-24G) and set it to SOI.
  3. Move the yellow crosshair/blue circle with your thumbstick and press the GPS-S button to designate a series of GPS points leading to the target.
    • Make use of the ALT+ and ALT- buttons to avoid directing the missile into terrain.
    • GPS points can also be placed using the TGP's GPS-S button. Note that GPS points placed via the TGP will always have an altitude of 0.
    • For engagements that only require the missile to move in a straight line towards the target, a single GPS point can be used. In this case, skip to step 6.
  4. Open the GPS menu and confirm that the GPS points are in the correct order and that the PATH setting is enabled. Once enabled, a yellow line will connect the GPS points on the NAV map.
  5. Using the GPS menu, select the GPS point the missile should start at.
  6. Select the AGM-161 as your current weapon.
  7. Fly towards the selected GPS point and move the aiming reticle over the selected GPS point to lock it.
  8. When ready, pull the trigger to release the cruise missile.
    • The missile's location will be visible on the NAV map until impact.


  • 1x AGM-161:
    • Cost: $10000
    • Weight: 960 kg


See Also