DMS Cruiser

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"A medium-sized drone ship armed with SAMs and basic gun turrets."
Mission Editor Description

The DMS Cruiser is a common ship in the enemy navy, designed for mid-range air defense. It has five SAM launchers on its bow for targeting hostile aircraft in the area, complementing its own Vertical Launch System well for better air superiority. It also has three double-barreled Gun turrets located near its bridge for defending against hostile aircraft.

There is also another variant of the DMS Cruiser available: the Drone Carrier. Instead of five SAM turrets on its bow, it has an extra Gun turret and 10 rocket-catapults capable of deploying numerous Manta UCAVs into the air.



  • 3x Double-Barrel Gun turrets - One in front of the bridge, two at the stern.
  • 5x SAM turrets - All located at the bow, equipped with BSM-66 Surface-to-Air Missiles.
  • 32x VLS missile cells - located at the stern, near the two CIWS turrets.


Enemy Military
Aircraft AEW-50 BulwarkASF-30ASF-33ASF-58GAV-25HB-106 BomberManta UCAVT-55
Ground Units Enemy APCGECM TruckIFV-1Infantry (MANPADS) • IRAPCLogistics Truck • MAD-4 (Launcher/Radar) • Mobile Missile Warning TruckMPA-155Rocket Artillery TruckSAAW • SL-MRM (Launcher/Radar) • MBT2-E Tank
Stationary Emplacements Bunker ABunker BDecoy LauncherDecoy Radar TransmitterIRMD LauncherSAM Fire Control RadarSAM S/A Radar (Enemy)SAM LauncherZ20x2 Anti-Air Artillery
Sea DMS CruiserDrone CarrierGun Boat (Rocket Artillery, Minelayer) • NFP CarrierNMSS Cruiser
Buildings Early Warning RadarFactory AStorage Tent AMissile Silo
(Parenthesis) denote unit variants.