NMSS Cruiser

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"Large missile cruiser equipped with a vertical launching system, large forward launch tubes, close air defense cannons"
Mission Editor Description

The NMSS cruiser is a hostile battleship designed with long-range air defense in mind.

Its most notable features include a unique grid of long-range missile tubes on its forward deck and its two radars located on top of the ship. This ship is designed for long-range air superiority and taking heavy beatings before collapsing, making it an excellent ship to lead a fleet into battle with. The missiles stored in its forward launch tubes have a much longer booster phase than standard Surface-to-Air Missiles launched from a regular VLS or stationary SAM Launcher, making them much more accurate and more difficult to evade than standard SAMs.

This allows the NMSS cruiser an incredible amount of versatility in both offensive and defensive contexts. It can easily pin down airbases and carriers from afar, making it dangerous for them to scramble their fighters. To better facilitate its greater variety of functions, the NMSS Cruiser has two radars. One controls its forward launch tubes, while the other handles its own VLS for mid-range air defense.

It is notable for its roles in the AV-42C and F/A-26B's campaigns, The Island and Desert Cobra. In The Island, an NMSS Cruiser serves as the flagship of the enemy fleet sent to take over Akutan while the allied faction's main fleet was diverted. The player is tasked with using an AGM-89 Anti-ship cruise missile to destroy it in mission 6, Darkness. In Desert Cobra, two NMSS Cruisers are docked at the lake in mission 3, Strike At Naval Test Lake, and the player is tasked with performing SEAD operations while another squadron dispatches the docked ships, including dispatching the radars of the docked ships themselves.



  • 4x CIWS turrets - One located at the bow of the ship, behind the Long range missile tubes. One stern-port, one stern-starboard near the center of the ship.
  • 8x Long range missile tubes - Located at the bow of the ship. Fires dangerous Active Radar Homing missiles against air targets.
  • 64x VLS missile cells - Located due-stern. Used for Surface-to-Surface and Surface-to-Air combat when the main missile tubes are impractical to use.


  • 1x Aft SAM Radar - Coordinates VLS cell firing against air targets. Identifiable as MC on the Radar Warning Receiver (RWR).
  • 1x Long-range SAM Radar - Located underneath the Aft SAM Radar. Coordinates long-range missiles. Identifiable as LR on the RWR.
  • 1x Fore Radar - Coordinates VLS cell firing against sea targets. Identifiable as MC on the RWR.


NMSS Cruiser Map

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  • The NMSS Cruiser is one of the few ships in the enemy navy that is not canonically autonomous, the other being the NFP Carrier.
  • The missiles launched by the NMSS Cruiser's forward launch tubes have an inscription on them: "SUPERKA300M".

VTOL VR Unit Demonstration: The NMSS Cruiser (Video)

Enemy Military
Aircraft AEW-50 BulwarkASF-30ASF-33ASF-58GAV-25HB-106 BomberManta UCAVT-55
Ground Units Hostile APCGECM TruckIFV-1Infantry (MANPADS) • IRAPCLogistics Truck • MAD-4 (Launcher/Radar) • Mobile Missile Warning TruckMPA-155Rocket Artillery TruckSAAW • SL-MRM (Launcher/Radar) • MBT2-E Tank
Stationary Emplacements Bunker ABunker BDecoy LauncherDecoy Radar TransmitterIRMD LauncherSAM Fire Control RadarSAM S/A Radar (Enemy)SAM LauncherZ20x2 Anti-Air Artillery
Sea DMS CruiserDrone CarrierGun Boat (Rocket Artillery, Minelayer) • NFP CarrierNMSS Cruiser
Buildings Early Warning RadarFactory AStorage Tent AMissile Silo
(Parenthesis) denote unit variants.