Category:Enemy Navy

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This category encompasses all the naval ships available to the enemy faction.

Most hostile naval vessels will have a Vertical Launch System, or VLS, which can deploy anti-air or cruise missiles against hostile targets in the area, similarly to what the Allied Cruiser has. They contain medium-range Surface-to-Air Missiles for engaging fighters, along with cruise missiles for engaging other naval ships. These can also launch intercept missiles against incoming cruise missiles as a defensive measure. These VLS systems are coordinated via a rotating Fire Control Radar atop the ship, allowing it to track and lock targets from varying ranges. Destroying a ship's dorsal FCR will disable its VLS, allowing it to be engaged at a closer range.

There is also a small array of corvette-sized ships for providing extra support to fleets. They are much more fragile than their larger cousins, to the point where a short cannon burst can bring them down with ease, but they work well when placed in support positions.

Pages in category "Enemy Navy"

The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.