Radar (MFD Page)

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The RADAR MFD Page can be found on every playable aircraft, except for the AV-42C. It is used primarily for target location and weapon guidance.

Display Modes

There are two available display modes for the radar: the standard PPI-Scope and the B-Scope. Both are identical in function yet different in terms of layout and workflow.


To slew a radar, the pilot must first press the SOI (Sensor of Interest) button, usually located in the top right corner of the RADAR page. The pilot will then be able to slew around the TAC with the VR controller's thumbstick.

When a target is found, the two parallel green lines, known as the TAC, can be navigated onto the target and, by pressing down on the thumbstick, can engage a TWS lock on the target. Click it again to switch to a STT lock.

The radar scans with a 120 deg/s (degrees per second) scan rate, resulting in the 60° angle mode (scanning between -60° and 60°) taking 1 second per full sweep, with the 30° and 15° angle modes taking 0.5 and 0.25 seconds respectively.

Range and Elevation

The radar elevation in SLEW mode, displaying its maximum, standard and minimum angles.

In SLEW mode, the radar elevation can be manually adjusted by moving the thumbstick up and down while holding the throttle. The numbers next to the two triangles represent the maximum and minimum altitude which is being scanned in. These numbers can vary with your aircraft's altitude and the TACs position.

The separate number below displays the radars vertical tilt in degrees, with its maximum elevation being +30° and -30°.

In the FORWARD mode, these adjustments are omitted entirely, with the radar instead gradually scanning in 4 bars of elevation, from bottom to top.

Scan Angle

TWS (Track While Scan)

In TWS mode, the radar is able to track up to 4 aerial targets at once. Targets locked in this mode are displayed from 1 to 4, in the order they were locked onto, on the radar. Each target can be individually switched between by pressing their associated number on the left side of the radar page.

In this mode, missiles such as the AIM-120C, AIM-120D and AIM-54 can be fired on multiple different targets and all be guided at once.

Marking a target in TWS results in the radars scan rate getting slower for each subsequent target marked. See the table and calculations below.

Radar scan rate and scan angle duration in TWS mode
Number of Targets Scan Rate 60° Scan Angle 30° Scan Angle 15° Scan Angle
0 Targets 120 deg/s 1 Second 0.5 Seconds 0.25 Seconds
1 Target 60 deg/s 2 Seconds 1 Second 0.5 Seconds
2 Targets 40 deg/s 3 Seconds 1.5 Seconds 0.75 Seconds
3 Targets 30 deg/s 4 Seconds 2 Seconds 1 Second
4 Targets 24 deg/s 5 Seconds 2.5 Seconds 1.25 Seconds

The formula for calculating the scan rate with n tracked targets is r=120/(n+1), with n being the number of targets marked and r being the scan rate in degrees per second.

To get the time for a full scan you use the formula t=(a*2)/r, with t being the time in seconds and a being the scan angle in degrees, and r being the previously calculated scan rate.

STT (Single Target Track)

In STT mode, the radar focuses a considerable amount of its power on a single target to get a powerful lock.

HOJ (Home-On-Jam)

Home-On-Jam operates by locking an incoming jamming source on the radar screen and using noise analysis to determine the approximate elevation and azimuth of the jamming source.

To lock a jamming source, the pilot needs to slew the TAC over a jamming signal, marked as short, green bars on the screen and press down on the thumbstick to achieve a lock. Once locked, the jamming signals will accumulate on a long bar and the text "HOJ" will appear besides the lock.

In this mode, a missile will attempt to fly towards the approximate direction of the jamming source and, if available, use its on-board radar to detect and lock the airborne jamming threat once it has located it.

Any radar guided air-to-air missile such as the AIM-7, AIM-120C/D and AIM-54, as well as any anti-radiation missile like the AGM-88, AGM-88S, AGM-188 and AGM-126 can be guided in this mode.


In Boresight, the radar will STT lock onto the first target it detects in a roughly 15 degree cone, regardless of range. This function is available in Fixed mode (BORE), where the radar search cone is fixed to the nose, or Headtrack mode (HEAD), where the search cone scans wherever the pilot is looking with the Helmet-Mounted Cueing System.

Headtrack mode can also be activated by clicking and holding the right thumbstick while the Radar page is the selected SOI. This allows the pilot to search for and lock a target while remaining "heads-up", such as during a dogfight.

Clicking and holding the right thumbstick again will return the radar to search mode.

MFD Options

The Options section on the radar MFD pages is only available on the F/A-26B and T-55. The options are listed below.

    • PPI (Plan Position Indicator)
    • B-Scope
    • SLEW
    • 40
    • 60
    • 80
    • 100