Aircraft Combat Roles

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There are several different roles a fighter can play in the battlefield, depending on what they are assigned to do. Those such roles will be listed on this page.

Loadout Roles

  • Fighter - A term applying to fighters configured for air-to-air attack roles. Generally implies a setup consisting mainly of Radar and Heat-Seeking missiles for dispatching enemy aircraft.
  • Striker - A term applying to fighters configured for general air-to-surface roles. Typically implies a setup oriented around the use of AGMs.
  • Bomber - A term applying to fighters or jets configured for bombing runs. It generally implies the deployment of B-11s or HB-106s into battle, but it could also apply to existing aircraft with loadouts consisting mainly of (un)guided bombs.

Ground Assault

Fighters in this role, generally strikers, are expected to arm for combat against hostile ground units, such as tanks and anti-air installations. Fighters in this role will generally focus on the use of AGMs and bombs to strike various targets on the ground. The AV-42C is generally suitable for close combat or close air support (supporting ground troops), while the F/A-26B and F-45A have better long-range weaponry for more dangerous ground assault tasks, such as destroying command centers or other units that tend to shoot back.


SEAD stands for Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses, and is a role that encompasses combat against hostile radar setups. This is a somewhat dangerous role for fighters, as it encompasses the diversion and evasion of hostile radar missiles. Fighters in this role will generally equip ARMs and/or AGM-161 Standoff missiles to hit hostile radars from long range. This can also be accomplished by using stealth techniques to get closer than normally possible.

Naval Assault

This role encompasses the task of assaulting hostile naval ships, generally with the goal of their complete destruction. Fighters in this role will commonly equip ARMs to deal with hostile radars and AGM-89s for long-range ship destruction. Alternatively, several strikes from air-to-ground missiles such as the AGM-65 or AGM-145 can sink most ships. The high damage and high capacity of the GBU-12 makes it another capable tool for ship destruction, provided there are no threats remaining that might interrupt its lengthy deployment process.

Combat Air Patrol

Combat Air Patrol, or CAP, is simple: fly around and attack hostile fighter squadrons on sight. Fighters taking on CAP roles should generally focus on air-to-air-oriented loadouts composed of Radar missiles and Heat-Seeking missiles. Fighters in these roles should generally bring more Radar missiles than Heat-Seekers because fighters will generally be farther away from their targets more often.