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"A 500lb laser-guided bomb."
― Weapon Description

The GBU-12 is a laser-guided bomb available to the AV-42C, F/A-26B, F-45A, T-55 and EF-24G. It requires constant laser designation of a target for accurate deployment, similarly to the AGM-114, and uses the same HUD symbology as GPS-guided bombs. It is one of two bombs effective against moving targets, the other being the GBU-53.


The GBU-12 features a single setting within the EQUIP menu, determining the guidance method of the bomb.

  • Targeting Mode:
    • Laser - The standard Laser guidance mode.
    • Dumb - Entirely disables Laser guidance on the bomb, making it function identically to a Mk. 82. A regular bomb reticle will also appear instead of the guided bomb reticle.

The GBU-12 is chiefly used as an asset in Close Air Support tactics. In comparison to an Air-to-Ground Missile, the GBU-12 can be equipped in greater quantity and carries a much larger payload, but has a more time-consuming deployment process. By designating the center of a group of hostile units, the GBU-12 is able to dispatch targets with a single bomb.

If the TGP's laser deviates from its target, the GBU-12 will likely maneuver far off-course and fail to damage its intended target. Attempting to deploy the GBU-12 in a high-threat environment is not recommended, as defensive maneuvering of the aircraft risks breaking the TGP's target lock.

Due to the position of the TGP on the aircraft, it is recommended to establish a left-hand orbit around the target when flying the F/A-26B. Other fixed-wing aircraft do not share this restriction.

As with all guided bombs, the GBU-12's guidance package can be disabled in the MFD's EQUIP page, allowing it to function akin to the Mk. 82 unguided bomb.


  1. Arm the weapons in your aircraft.
  2. Turn on the TGP and set it to SOI.
  3. Select the GBU-12 as your current weapon.
  4. Lock a target with the TGP and fly towards them, placing the target diamond as close to the center of the HUD bomb reticle as possible.
  5. When ready, squeeze the trigger to release the bomb.
  6. Continue lasing the target until impact.


  • 1x GBU-12: The smallest amount of GBU-12's available to every listed aircraft. Note that the F-45A is unable to carry more than one GBU-12 externally.
    • Cost: $1500
    • Weight: 272 kg
  • 2x GBU-12: The second-largest amount of GBU-12's available on a single pylon. Available to the AV-42C, F/A-26B, T-55 and EF-24G.
    • Cost: $2975
    • Weight: 514 kg
      • 2x GBU-12 Internal: Exclusive to the F-45A. It is stored within the internal bays and uses a unique mounting system.
        • Cost: $3000
        • Weight: 574 kg
  • 3x GBU-12: The largest amount of GBU-12's available on a single pylon. Available to the AV-42C, F/A-26B, T-55 and EF-24G.
    • Cost: $4450
    • Weight: 771 kg


See Also