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"Radar guided medium range air-to-air missile."
― Weapon Description

The AIM-120D is an advanced variant of the regular AIM-120C missile. It is available to the F-45A and EF-24G.


The AIM-120D features a single setting within the EQUIP menu.

  • MADDOG: Allows you to fire the AIM-120D without a radar lock by holding down the trigger for 3 seconds.
    • ON/OFF


Method 1: Radar

  1. Enable the Master Arm switch.
  2. Open the RADAR page on an MFD screen and set it to SOI.
  3. Turn on the aircraft's radar.
  4. Select the AIM-120D as your current weapon.
  5. While holding the flight stick, use the thumb stick to slew the TAC over an air target. Click-in the thumb stick once for TWS on the target. Click it again to switch to STT.
    • Note: The AIM-120D can be fired using either tracking mode.
  6. Once in range, the Range Launch Authorization Lights will come on and the aircraft's Voice Warning System will announce: "Shoot!" Pull the trigger to fire the missile.
    • When launched, the missile will display a Time-to-Impact indicator on the HUD, displaying the letter T next to the estimated time.
  7. The launching aircraft must maintain a radar lock on the target until the missile's own radar can achieve a lock. The Voice Warning System will announce: "Pitbull!" and the Time-to-Impact on the HUD will display the letter M instead. The missile will now guide itself and no further action from the launching aircraft is required.



See Also