Radial Menu

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The Radial Menu (aka. the Hand Menu) is a feature available to players in VTOL VR. The Radial Menu can be accessed within singleplayer or multiplayer and can The Radial Menu's functions vary between singleplayer and multiplayer gameplay. The features available through the Radial Menu are as follows, from top due clockwise:

  • Recenter Seat: Recenters the pilot's forward direction to where their headset is pointing.
  • Restart: Restarts the mission from the very beginning.*
  • Exit Mission: Despawns the player and returns them to the menu (singleplayer) or lobby (multiplayer).
  • Save/Load: Replaces the menu's controls with save and load buttons.*
    • Load: Loads the mission from the last available quicksave point; restarts the mission otherwise.
    • Save: Creates a quicksave of the mission's current state, which can be restored to via the Load function.

Access to the Radial Menu depends on the VR peripheral being used. Directions for different VR controllers are as follows:

  • HTC Vive controllers: Trigger + grip + menu button
  • Oculus controllers (Rift [S], Quest): Trigger + grip button + Y/B button
  • Valve Index controllers: Trigger + grip button + B button
  • Windows Mixed Reality controllers: Trigger + grip button + Y/B button

*Function unavailable in multiplayer gameplay