Oil Platform

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An oil platform as seen in-game.
"An off-shore oil platform."
Mission Editor Description

The Oil Platform is a large, destructible static object available in the Mission Editor and featured heavily in Operation: Desert Cobra Mission 7, 'Striking Oil'.

It has no natural defenses to defend against the player, but MANPADS infantry are placed on two of the decks in the aforementioned mission, and other defenses can be placed on it in the mission editor for custom missions. They serve as destruction targets and scenery.


Oil platforms can be destroyed entirely in one of two ways:

1. By targeting two of the supporting legs with any explosive with a minimum damage of 50 (which means anything except Hydra-70s). The hitboxes are partially obscured below the yellow lines, so they should be targeted at or above those yellow lines. The Mk-83 has a large enough blast radius to destroy two or more legs at once, if placed between them.

2. By targeting three particular; destructible objects on the deck with any weapon. In descending order of toughness, the three objects to look for are the antenna tower with 80 health, a large oil canister across from the antenna with 50 health, and a rack of smaller oil canisters adjacent to the antenna with 20 health. Unlike the supporting legs, these objects have no minimum hit threshold, so can be easily destroyed with cannons.

The destruction targets are not 'hot', so the TGP will not be able to highlight them on Day or Night modes.

Upon two supporting legs taking enough damage or the three destructible objects being destroyed, the entire oil platform will fail catastrophically, the damaged legs will fracture just above the yellow lines, and the rig will sink partway into the water.
