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"An optically guided 'fire and forget' missile. Deploys 6 sub-munitions that independently seek targets in the field of view."
― Weapon Description

The CAGM-6 is an optically guided, Air-to-Ground cluster missile available to the AV-42C, F/A-26B and T-55.

It contains 6 small submunitions that release 2.2 km away from the initially fired-on target. The submunitions seek for any vehicle within a 60° field of view and are capable of de-conflicting their targets so as to not have multiple munitions hit a single target.


The CAGM-6 has a number of deployment options that affect the behavior of the targeting reticle, listed below:

  • Uncage mode:
    • Auto - Locks onto the TGP reticle once the CAGM-6 reticle is in proximity of it.
    • Manual - Requires holding down the trigger for the CAGM-6 reticle to lock on.

The deployment of a CAGM-6 remains largely similar to other Air-to-Ground missiles such as the AGM-65.

Like the CBU-97, players should allow adequate time for the weapon to disperse. It is possible for the cluster missile to disperse the sub-munitions immediately upon launching. However, the submunitions may not have enough time to find and navigate to their targets.

It is typically useful against groups of hostiles in close formation, such as convoys and smaller enemy bases.


  1. Enable the Master Arm switch.
  2. Turn on the TGP and set it to SOI.
  3. Select the CAGM-6 as your current weapon.
  4. While holding the flight stick, use the thumb stick to slew the TGP reticle over the desired target. The reticle will snap to a unit and lock onto it.
    • Trigger Uncage Mode (Manual): Hold down the trigger with the aircraft pointed towards the target to uncage the sensor. The weapon circle in the HUD will slew onto the target. If you are within range, the Range Launch Authorization Lights will come on and the aircraft's Voice Warning System will announce: "Shoot!" While continuing to pull the trigger, press the change weapon button to launch the missile.
    • Trigger Uncage Mode (Auto): If the target is in front of you and in range, the target reticle will automatically slew onto the target. The trigger is now used to fire the weapon.
  5. After launch, you are free to break away if needed or fire on other targets.


  • 1x CAGM-6:
    • Cost: $3000
    • Weight: 200kg


See Also