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"An older short-range, heat seeking air-to-air missile."
― Weapon Description

The AIM-9E is a rear-aspect heat-seeking missile available to the AV-42C, F/A-26B, T-55 and EF-24G.

Unlike the standard AIM-9 missile, the AIM-9E features an older seeker which can only achieve lock from the rear of an aircraft. The IR seeker is fixed to the front and cannot be moved unless a lock has already been achieved on a target. Additionally, the AIM-9E can only be fired in Uncaged mode and uses a double action release function, once you hear a tone, a pull of the trigger focuses the IR seeker onto your target, finally press the weapon select button to release the missile.




  1. Enable the Master Arm switch.
  2. Select the AIM-9E as your current weapon.
  3. Point the targeting reticle in the center of your HUD directly onto the target.
  4. Hold the trigger on your flight stick to achieve a lock.
  5. Press the weapon release button to fire the missile. The missile will now guide itself to the target.


  • 1x AIM-9E: The smallest amount of AIM-9E's available to every listed aircraft.
    • Cost: $400
    • Weight: 120kg
  • 2x AIM-9E: The largest amount of AIM-9E's available.
    • Cost: $850
    • Weight: 231 kg


See Also