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"A wingtip-mounted heat-seeking air-to-air missile."
― Weapon Description

The AIM-92 Stinger, also known as ATAS is a pair of two short-range heat-seeking air-to-air missiles exclusive to the AH-94.


Unlike other IR-guided missiles in VTOL VR, the AIM-92 has no customizable deployment options in the EQUIP menu. Its deployment method is analogous to the Uncaged mode in other heat-seeking missiles in the game.

The AIM-92 has considerably less range than other IR missiles and lacks any IRCCM, making it incredibly vulnerable to flares. Hence, this weapon is reduced to a defensive role, acting as a deterrent for incoming hostile aircraft.

Due to the AIM-92s various deficiencies, it is best used against aircraft from close range when they have little time to maneuver or react to the incoming missile. Regular fighters such as the ASF-30 will die from a single hit, but GAV-25 attacker aircraft require two direct hits to kill.


  1. Enable the Master Arm switch.
  2. Select the AIM-92 as your current weapon.
  3. Point the targeting reticle in the center of your HUD directly onto the target.
  4. Hold the trigger on your cyclic to achieve a lock.
  5. Press the weapon release button to fire the missile. The missile will now guide itself to the target.


  • 2x AIM-92:
    • Cost:$1450
    • Weight: 65 kg


See Also