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"Air-launched anti-ship cruise missile. Equipped with waypoint following, radar target acquisition, and terminal maneuvering technology."
― Weapon Description

The AGM-89 is an air-launched, GPS-guided anti-ship cruise missile with folding wings.

It has several attack modes and can navigate to a waypoint or along a path. The missile has built-in navigational systems for automatically avoiding terrain or other objects in the way of its flight path. It turns on its radar during its terminal phase (when it's near its final waypoint) to independently identify and home in on a target. The user should lead the targets' future position so that the target will be within the missile's field of view once it enters its terminal phase.

Due to its navigation, the AGM-89 is ineffective at targeting land units. For this task, the AGM-161 should be used instead.


A selection of various attack modes is available in the AGM-89's section on the EQUIP page.

  • Direct - The missile acts like the AGM-65 and flies directly to the terminal waypoint. It will still turn on its radar to search for a ship, so this does not allow it to hit GPS and non-naval targets. This mode is generally somewhat unsafe to use in terms of missile survivability, but it's a good option for when a deploying aircraft doesn't have enough time to set up a complex GPS path to the missile's destination.
  • Sea-Skim - The missile flies within a few dozen feet of the waterline to evade radar detection. It impacts its target ship along the waterline, intending to sink the ship via a well-placed hull breach. To ensure missile survivability with this mode, line your points up so that the missile impacts its target from their stern; this will give it an edge over their CIWS turrets, as they will need more time to turn around and engage the incoming missile.
  • SSEvasive (Sea-Skim Evasive) - This mode is the same as Sea-Skim, but once it nears its terminal phase, it starts swerving along the water's surface to avoid hostile CIWS. This mode is arguably the best option for ensuring that the missile hits its target successfully; the swerving motion tends to strain the lead-tracking algorithms of CIWS turrets, making the missile more likely to dodge them and hit its target. The missile will still impact the target's hull, directly at the waterline, so there's a slim chance that the missile could be ineffective in this mode.
  • Popup - The missile flies in SS Evasive mode, and once it reaches its terminal phase, it propels itself upwards to hit the target's topside superstructure. This mode is arguably the best mode for ensuring target destruction, due to the fact that the outer deck of a ship is typically weaker than the rest of its hull. Even if the cruise missile doesn't sink the ship, it will still deal extreme damage to its radar and/or weapon systems, making it more vulnerable to destruction through alternate means.


  1. Enable the Master Arm switch.
  2. Select the AGM-89 as your current weapon.
  3. Select or mark a GPS target, this can be done in multiple ways:
    1. Turn on the TGP and set it to SOI.
    2. If a ship is stationary, lock a target with the TGP and click the GPS-S button at the bottom right of the MFD. Mark as many targets as is necessary.
    3. If a ship is moving, attempt to lead the ships position by placing a GPS marker in front of where it will be.
    1. Open the NAV Map and set it to SOI.
    2. If a ship is stationary, move the yellow crosshair onto the desired target with your thumbstick until you have acquired an accurate position. Click the GPS-S button at the center bottom of the MFD to mark it.
    3. If a ship is moving, repeat the procedure described above in the TGP marking method.
  4. Fly towards the marked targets.
  5. Once in range, a HUD reticle similar to the AGM-65's will lock onto the first selected GPS target.
  6. When ready, pull the trigger to release the cruise missile.
  7. The missile should now be visible on the NAV map and will guide itself towards the GPS point. Once close enough the AGM-89 will activate its onboard radar and lock-on to the target closest to the GPS marker.


  • 1x AGM-89:
    • Cost: $15000
    • Weight: 1263 kg


See Also