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"An air-launched, jet-powered decoy capable of using signature augmentation to appear like a larger aircraft on radar or operate in noise jamming mode. It can follow GPS courses over long distances. Two-way datalink allows it to report RWR contacts to the team."
― Weapon Description

The ADM-160J MALD is an expendable, GPS guided decoy missile exclusively available to the EF-24G. It can fly on its own and be configured to jam nearby targets, or disguise itself as a different aircraft using its SAS.

Decoy missiles are equipped with a Radar Warning Receiver (RWR), similar to those on other aircraft, and shares its radar threats with other allied EF-24Gs and F-45As via the DataLink network. Any enemy radar that pings a decoy will appear on the TSD.


The ADM-160J is a versatile electronic warfare tool that can easily be adapted to any mission.

For instance, their flight path can be programmed to fly along a path into hostile territory for reconnaissance of SAM sites and aircraft before directly engaging the enemy. The COLD mode allows it to stealthily loiter above an area without being targeted.

Offship jamming can be provided with the NOISE mode in all three frequency bands, a flexible solution to all manner of aircraft and ground-based radars. Allies can even follow behind an in-flight decoy for concealment or protection under a corridor jamming effect. In addition, where ownship jamming presents the risk of being locked by HOJ-guided missiles, a decoy can disrupt enemy radar without putting your own aircraft at risk.

The SAS mode can be a very useful psychological tool in Multiplayer games. Many decoys can create the appearance of a larger force, and certain aircraft signatures may fool the enemy into engaging them as a priority target.


Note: MALDs behave independently from the Master Mode switch (AA, AG, or EW).

  1. Set Master Arm switch to ARM.
  2. Open the DECOY page on the Multi-Function Display. Choose which decoy to launch using the top-left list.
  3. Select a decoy mode:
    1. COLD: No action needed as it will not perform any jamming. This mode is selected by default.
    2. DECOY: Select an aircraft signature to spoof using its' SAS.
    3. NOISE: Select a frequency band and which sensor source it will use. AUTO will automatically select the two closest targets to jam.
  4. Select or update a navigation source using their corresponding pages:
    1. GPS: Choose a GPS path or point, then press GPS.
    2. NAV: Set the NAV page to SOI. Slew the cursor to the desired point on the map, then press NAV.
    3. No source will cause the decoy to fly straight at your current heading and altitude.
  5. Press the DEPLOY button to launch the decoy missile, using the brevity code "Trojan".
  6. Once launched, decoys can be assigned a new path at any time using the UPDATE button.

The statuses of launched decoys can be monitored in flight, including current navigation mode, airspeed (in Mach), altitude, and remaining fuel.

Once deployed, decoy missiles will operate for 8 minutes. Once it reaches their target destination, it will orbit in place until it has its navigation updated, is destroyed, or runs out of fuel.


  • 1x ADM-160J:
    • Cost: $8000
    • Weight: 210 kg
