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I go by Xavier or xavieraiden. (or some variation. I have other usernames, but I'm not telling) If you need to talk to me, contact me on Discord: "init_xavieraiden_v1.0.0" (I'm in the VTOL VR Discord Server). I probably won't notice if you contact me through here in any way.

Here's a list of things about me, because I wanted a list and no one can stop me from adding a bullet point list because I AM GOD on my own page.

  • Staunch B-Scope supremacist
  • Staunch radar SLEW mode supremacist
  • I talk like I am clueless unless I am 100% certain about something
  • Desperately want the AV-42C and F/A-26B to be buffed.
  • I run a Meta Quest 3