Rearm/Refuel Points

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Rearm/Refuel Points are allied Units that can be used to create Forward Arming and Refueling Points, or FARPs, in a mission. They are added through the Mission Editor and can be used by both players and allied NPCs for rearming. They are designed specifically for use with Helipads (added through the Static Objects section in the Mission Editor); as such, it is not recommended to land on these in the F/A-26B or T-55, which are practically incapable of making vertical landings.

The different Rearm/Refuel Point variants. From left to right: A, B, C, and D.

There are four different variants of Rearm/Refuel Points currently available:

  • Rearm/Refuel Point A: "A designated area where the player can rearm or refuel." - This is the largest Point of the Rearm/Refuel Point family.
  • Rearm/Refuel Point B: "A designated area where the player can rearm or refuel." - This Point is similar to Point A, but is smaller with fewer props nearby.
  • Rearm/Refuel Point C: "A designated area where the player can rearm or refuel. (no props)" - Identical to Point B, except it has no adjacent props. Useful for additions of custom props.
  • Rearm/Refuel Point D: "A smaller designated area where the player can rearm or refuel. (no props)" - Has no props like Point C, but is much smaller.