Mk. 82AIR

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"A standard unguided 500lb bomb. Deploys an inflatable drag chute to slow descent for low altitude bombing."
― Weapon Description

The Mk. 82AIR High Drag Bomb is a variant of the standard Mk. 82 available for the AV-42C, F/A-26B, T-55 and EF-24G to utilize. It is equipped with a drogue chute in the back that deploys promptly after its release.


The Mk. 82AIR features multiple different weapon release options, which can be found in the EQUIP menu.

  • CCRP Auto: Continuously Computed Release Point marker for TGP assisted bomb drops.
    • ON - Restricts bomb drops to only be possible once CCRP aligns with the horizontal drop point.
    • OFF - Allows bomb drops to be done at any time, regardless of CCRP alignment.
  • Release Area: The distance threshold at which bombs are dropped within the CCRP. Only relevant while a ripple rate is set and CCRP AUTO is active.
    • 25 - Releases bombs in a 25-meter line.
    • 50 - Releases bombs in a 50-meter line.
    • 100 - Releases bombs in a 100-meter line.
    • 200 - Releases bombs in a 200-meter line.
  • Ripple Rate: Determines the rate at which bombs are dropped when holding down the trigger. The drop rates are measured in bombs per minute.
    • Single - Releases a single bomb per trigger pull.
    • 120 - Continuously releases 120 bombs per minute.
    • 240 - Continuously releases 240 bombs per minute.
    • 480 - Continuously releases 480 bombs per minute.
  • Salvo: The amount of available Mk. 82AIR equipped Hardpoints being released at once.

The main use of this bomb as opposed to its counterpart is use in low-altitude bombing tactics. It is designed to resolve an old dilemma with unguided bombs: if a bomb is dropped from a very low altitude, the deploying aircraft runs a high risk of getting caught in the bomb's explosion themselves as the bomb will impact its target right as the aircraft is passing over it.

The Mk. 82AIR bomb is built to solve this problem in the battlefield. Once dropped, it quickly deploys a drogue chute behind itself. This slows its horizontal velocity enough without impacting its vertical drop-speed, so that the deploying aircraft can move away from the target before the bomb's impact. Its deployment and tactical employment are largely identical to the standard Mk. 82 otherwise.


  1. Enable the Master Arm switch.
  2. Select the Mk. 82AIR as your current weapon.
    • Deploying with CCIP:
      1. Dive towards your target and position the CCIP HUD pipper over your target.
      2. When ready, pull the trigger to release the bomb.
    • Deploying with CCRP:
      1. Turn on the TGP and set it to SOI.
      2. While holding the flight stick, use the thumb stick to slew the TGP reticle over the desired target. The reticle will snap to a unit and lock onto it.
      3. Line up the CCRP line on the HUD. As the diamond passes between the brackets, pull the trigger to release the bomb. (When using the CCRP AUTO setting, hold the trigger while the diamond passes between the brackets.)


  • 1x Mk. 82AIR: Available to all mentioned aircraft.
    • Cost: $150
    • Weight: 274 kg
  • 2x Mk. 82AIR: Available to all mentioned aircraft.
    • Cost: $275
    • Weight: 518 kg
  • 3x Mk. 82AIR: Available to all mentioned aircraft.
    • Cost: $400
    • Weight: 777 kg
  • 4x Mk. 82AIR: Available exclusively to the EF-24G.
    • Cost: $500
    • Weight: 1006 kg


See Also