Mission Editor/Objectives

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Objectives are the primary way to track player progress in the mission. They show up in-game on the OBJ page of the MFD. They will also show up briefly on the HUD when an Objective is started, completed, or failed. For multiplayer missions, Objectives are created separately for Team A and Team B.

To create an Objective, select the Objectives tab, select the appropriate team (if the mission is multiplayer), then click New.

Objective Editor

There are several overarching properties for Objectives, which can be found in the left panel:

  • Name - The name of the objective is shown in yellow at the top of the Objective Editor. By default, it will be called "New Objective". Click the Rename button to change it. The Objective's name can be seen in-game on the HUD popup, and in the OBJ MFD page.
  • Objective Type - Determines the Type of Objective used, determining the properties denoted in the right panel. Properties are indicated by [bold square brackets].
    • Destroy: "Player must destroy at least [Min Required] units to complete this [objective]. The value of the minimum requirement will be clamped to the total amount of selected units. At least one [Destroy Targets] must be selected. The objective's base budget reward is given when the minimum is completed. The [Full Completion Bonus] is given in addition to that when all units are destroyed."
    • Pick Up: "Player must pick up at least [Min Required] units to complete this [objective]. At least one [Pickup Targets] must be selected. Only certain units can be picked up. The value of the minimum requirement will be clamped to the total amount of selected units. The objective's base budget reward is given when the minimum is completed. The [Full Completion Bonus] is given in addition to that when all units are picked up."
    • Drop Off: "This [should usually] be paired with a Pick-Up objective. Player must drop off at least [Min Required] units at the objective waypoint to complete this [objective]. An objective waypoint is required. Units will unload when the player is within [Unload Radius] from the waypoint. Once the units are dropped off, they will be directed to the [Dropoff Rally Point]. At least one [Drop Off Targets] must be selected. Only certain units can be picked up. The value of the minimum requirement will be clamped to the total amount of selected units. The objective's base budget reward is given when the minimum is completed. The [Full Completion Bonus] is given in addition to that when all units are picked up."
    • Fly To: "Player must fly at least [Radius] meters from the waypoint to complete this objective. An objective waypoint is required. By default, the altitude component of distance is ignored. Set [Spherical Radius] to take altitude into account."
    • Join: "The objective is completed when the player flies within [Radius] of the [Target Unit]. A [Target Unit] is required. If the objective does not have a waypoint set, it will automatically be set to the [Target Unit]."
    • Land: "Player needs to land within [Radius] of the objective to complete this objective. An Objective waypoint is required."
    • Refuel: "The [Refuel Target] units selected must be refueled to at least [Fuel Level] to complete this objective. At least one [Refuel Target] must be selected."
    • Protect: "Player must prevent [Target] unit from being destroyed until the unit moves within [Radius] of the objective OR until the objective completion has been triggered. (Depending on [Completion Mode]) Both [Target] and objective waypoint are required."
    • Conditional: "Objective is completed when [Success Condition] returns true. It is failed if there is a [Fail Condition] and it returns true."
  • Start Mode - Determines how/when the objective starts.
    • Immediate: The objective starts immediately after launching the mission.
    • Triggered: The objective never starts on its own. It must be started using an event action.
    • Prerequisite: The objective starts when the designated objectives have been completed.
    • Final: The objective starts when all other objectives have been completed.
  • Waypoint - Sets the objective's waypoint. Required for certain objective types.
  • Auto-Set Waypoint - Determines whether or not the objective moves the player's current waypoint to the one selected above when the objective is started. Off by default.
  • Required - Determines whether or not the objective required to complete the mission. If on, the objective must be completed (or canceled) for the mission to complete, and failing the objective will fail the mission. If off, the objective can be skipped, and failing the objective will not fail the mission. On by default.
  • Completion Reward - Determines the amount of money awarded to the player for objective completion. Used primarily for campaign missions.
  • Objective Info - The description of the objective. This can be read by players in-game in the OBJ MFD page. It is limited to 80 characters.
  • Events - Determines the actions run when the objective is in certain states.
    • Start Event: Actions performed when the objective starts.
    • Completed Event: Actions performed when the objective is completed.
    • Failed Event: Actions performed when the objective is failed.