Map:F-45A Cockpit Map/doc

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Hello, I'm the creator of the shiny new F-45A cockpit map, ClaraJ/Clara81221, and while these docs likely don't usually have a personalized message, I just contributed hours of work to this wiki and I'll make this doc however i please
Thank you for deciding to try to contribute to the wiki!

Groups can be added using the following:

"GroupLabel": {
	"name": "Group Name",
	"pinColor": "#ffffff", "size": 50
  • GroupLabel: The internal name of the group. Will not be shown to the end user. As far as I know, does not allow for spaces.
  • Group Name: Name of the group that WILL be shown to the end user.
  • #ffffff: The color of the group's icons in hexadecimal code. If you're unfamiliar, look up "color picker" on google an copy the code under "hex"
  • 50: Dunno what it does honestly

Groups should then be appended to the "markers" object:

"markers": {
    "GroupLabel": [
  • "..." is space where other code should go
  • GroupLabel: The label entered earlier

Markers can be added using the following:

	"id": "ID", "x": XPOS, "y": YPOS,
	"name": "Name",
	"description": "Description",
	"article": "Article Name"
  • These should be placed inside of a group, inside of the "markers" object.
  • "ID" should be a number that isn't shared by any other marker; The highest SHOULD be placed at the bottom.
  • It is considered courteous to change the IDs of all other markers when the list is out of order.
  • The list of IDs is shared by ALL markers, not just the ones in the current group.
  • XPOS and YPOS are the X and Y coordinates of the image you want the markers to be placed at. I recommend using GIMP and

hovering your cursor in the desired location, looking to the bottom left for the coordinates.

  • Name is the desired name shown to the end user. Replace the one that says "Name" specifically, not "name". Same for description.
  • Description: The description shown when clicked
  • Article Name: The name of the article to link to when "read more" is pressed. This is optional.

Note: Remember, all items besides the last need a comma after them, strings need quotes around them, and numbers (integers) don't have any formatting around them.

From the author:
Random technical details about the creation of the cockpit map: Created using extracted game files imported into blender reformatted for this map. Asset rendered using Blender Cycles in Blender 4.2 at 4k resolution.

Thank you again for reading and contributing! If you need to get in contact with me, my Discord is currently @claraj.
Happy writing!