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"An internally-mounted rack of 4 optically-guided Small Diameter bombs. Each bomb has folding wings that allow it to glide for long distances and hit targets with precision. Advanced optics allow it to track moving targets from extended range without laser designation."
― Weapon Description

The GBU-53 is an advanced, optically guided Small Diameter Glide Bomb available exclusively to the F-45A.


The GBU-53 features a single setting within the SMS menu, determining the guidance method of the bomb.

  • Targeting Mode:
    • Laser - The standard Laser guidance mode.
    • Dumb - Entirely disables Laser guidance on the bomb, making it function identically to a Mk. 82. A regular bomb reticle will also appear instead of the guided bomb reticle.

The GBU-53 is an advanced alternative to the conventional GBU-39 glide bomb. The most notable feature it includes is that it is not GPS-guided. Instead, it utilizes a built-in optical targeting system like the AGM-145, giving it full fire-and-forget capabilities against moving targets.

Like other guided bombs, its guidance package can be disabled entirely through the F-45A's SMS page to allow it to function like an unguided bomb.


  1. Enable the Master Arm switch.
  2. Turn on the EOTS and set it to SOI.
  3. Select the GBU-53 as your current weapon.
  4. While holding the flight stick, use the thumb stick to slew the TGP reticle over the desired target. The reticle will snap to a unit and lock onto it.
  5. Fly towards the locked target, placing the target diamond as close to the center of the HUD bomb reticle as possible.
  6. Hold down the trigger to open the bomb bay doors. While holding it down, press the weapon switch button to release the bomb.
  7. After launch, you are free to break away if needed or fire on other targets.


  • 4x GBU-53:
    • Cost:$10000
    • Weight: 757 kg


See Also