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"A 500lb GPS guided direct attack munition. It's a Mk.82 bomb with a guidance package strapped on to it."
― Weapon Description

The GBU-38 JDAM is a basic 500lb bomb with a GPS guidance kit.

Its tactical employment is roughly similar to the Mk. 82, but the inclusion of a GPS guidance package makes it much more accurate than its generic counterpart. It functions very well as an asset in precise, coordinated attacks due to its high accuracy and destructive capability.


The GBU-38 has a set of options in the EQUIP menu that determine how the bomb will function during combat. These options are as follows:

  • Target Mode: Determines the deployment method of the GBU-38.
    • Auto - Will cycle through the GPS list and release a bomb as the trigger is held down.
    • Manual - Targets the currently selected GPS target and will not cycle through the GPS list. A new target must be manually selected from the list by the pilot.
    • Dumb - Entirely disables GPS guidance on the bomb, making it function identically to a Mk. 82. A regular bomb reticle will also appear instead of the guided bomb reticle.
  • Auto Release Rate: Determines the rate at which bombs are dropped when holding down the trigger. The drop rates are measured in bombs per minute.
    • Single - Releases a single bomb per trigger pull.
    • 120 - Continuously releases 120 bombs per minute.
    • 240 - Continuously releases 240 bombs per minute.
    • 480 - Continuously releases 480 bombs per minute.

The GBU-38's guidance requires GPS points for deployment. While the high accuracy of this guidance makes the weapon well suited to eliminating static targets such as bunkers, the GBU-38 is incapable of tracking and homing onto moving targets.


  1. Enable the Master Arm switch.
  2. Select the GBU-38 as your current weapon.
  3. Select or mark a GPS target, this can be done in multiple ways:
    1. Turn on the TGP and set it to SOI.
    2. Lock a target with the TGP and click the GPS-S button at the bottom right of the MFD. Mark as many targets as is necessary.
    1. Open the NAV Map and set it to SOI.
    2. Move the yellow crosshair onto the desired target with your thumbstick until you have acquired an accurate position.
    3. Click the GPS-S button at the center bottom of the MFD. Mark as many targets as is necessary.
  4. Fly towards the marked target(s), placing the target diamond as close to the center of the HUD bomb reticle as possible.
  5. When ready, pull the trigger to release the bomb.


The GBU-38 is available in 5 variants. These include:

  • 1x GBU-38: The smallest amount of GBU-38s available to every listed aircraft. Note that the F-45A is unable to carry more than one GBU-38 externally.
    • Cost: $1250
    • Weight: 277 kg
  • 2x GBU-38: Two GBU-38s mounted on a single pylon. Available to the AV-42C, F/A-26B and T-55.
    • Cost: $2475
    • Weight: 524 kg
      • 2x GBU-38 Internal: Two GBU-38s stored within the internal bay of an F-45A. Exclusive to the F-45A.
        • Cost: $2500
        • Weight: 584 kg
  • 3x GBU-38: Three GBU-38s mounted on a single pylon. Available to the AV-42C, F/A-26B and T-55.
    • Cost: $3700
    • Weight 786 kg
  • 4x GBU-38 Internal: Four GBU-38s stored within the internal bay of an F-45A. Also, the largest amount of GBU-38's available to a single aircraft. Exclusive to the F-45A.
    • Cost: $5100
    • Weight: 1128 kg


See Also