Voice Commands

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Aside from the COMMS page in an aircraft's MFCD system, it is possible to use voice commands instead to quickly talk to wingmen, AWACS, and ATC. To use this function, Windows Speech Recognition must first be enabled. Then look towards the aircraft's radio panel, where you will be able to configure your channels and volume. Then, simply speak a command while the microphone is on. All available voice commands, including their aliases, are listed in this article.

Voice commands work in singleplayer and to a limited extent in multiplayer. AI Wingmen cannot be contacted nor communicated with, however AWACS, ATC and Ground work without flaw.

Known Voice Commands

Wingman Commands

  • Wingman - Commands need to be prefixed with "Wingmen..."
    • Attack target
    • (these will make your wingman attack your marked target)
      • "Attack my target."
      • "Fire on my target."
      • "Shoot my target."
      • "Attack this target."
      • "Strike my target."
      • "Strike this target."
      • "Shoot this."
      • "Attack this."
    • Form Up
    • (these will make your wingman get into formation with you)
      • "Form up."
      • "Form on me."
      • "Form up on me."
      • "Get in formation."
      • "Fly formation."
      • "Form on my wing."
      • "Follow me."
      • "Get on my wing."
      • "Let's form up."
      • "Let's fly in formation. "
      • "Fly with me. "
      • "Rejoin."
    • Spread Far
    • (These will make your formation wider than normal)
      • "Spread out."
      • "Spread far."
      • "Wide formation."
      • "Tactical formation."
      • "Combat spread."
      • "You're too close."
    • Spread Medium
    • (These will make your formation an average distance apart)
      • "Spread medium."
      • "Medium spread."
      • "Form up medium."
    • Spread Close
    • (these will make a tight formation)
      • "Come closer."
      • "Tight formation."
      • "Close formation."
      • "Parade formation."
      • ”Fly parade.”
      • "Get in close."
      • "Form up close."
      • "Get closer."
      • "Spread close."
      • "Fingertip formation."
    • Orbit
    • (these will make your wingman stay in the general area of the spot that you issued the command)
      • "Orbit here."
      • "Break off."
      • "Stop following me."
      • "Stop following."
      • "Don't follow me."
      • "Do not follow me."
    • Engage Targets
    • (these will allow your wingmen to go attack the nearby targets)
      • "Engage."
      • "Engage at will."
      • "Engage targets."
      • "Weapons free."
      • "Weapons hot."
      • "Combat ready."
      • "Destroy all targets."
      • "Attack all targets."
    • Weapon Deployment Callouts (wingmen will confirm)
    • (each of these signifies a type of weapon being used)
      • "Guns Guns Guns" - (Cannon)
      • "Fox." - (Generic missile)
      • "Fox 1." - (Semi-Active Radar-Homing missile)
      • "Fox 2." - (Heat seeking missile)
      • "Fox 3." - (Active Radar-Homing missile)
      • "Rifle." - (Air-to-Ground missile)
      • "Magnum." - (Anti-Radiation missile)
      • "Bruiser." - (Anti-Ship missile)
      • "Greyhound." - (Land Attack Cruise missile)
      • "Pickle." - (Any Bomb)
      • "Bombs away." - (Bomb Release)
      • "Missile away." - (Missile Release)
    • Radar On
    • (said when turning on RADAR)
      • "Radar on."
      • "Radars on."
      • "Turn your radar on."
      • "Search radar on."
    • Radar Off
    • (said when turning off RADAR)
      • "Radar off."
      • "Radars off."
      • "Turn your radar off."
      • "Search radar off."
      • "Shut off your radar."
      • "Shut off radar."
      • "Turn off radar."
      • "Radar quiet."
    • Disengage
    • (tells wingmen to stop fighting the targets)
      • "Disengage."
      • "Stop fighting."
      • "Do not engage."
      • "Don't shoot."
      • "Stop engaging."
      • "Hold your fire."
      • "Stop shooting."
      • "Do not shoot."
    • Disengage and Form Up
      • "Disengage and form up."
      • "Regroup."
      • "Let's regroup."
      • "Disengage and form on me."
      • "Disengage and follow me."
      • "Get back in formation."
    • Go Refuel
    • (tells wingmen to go get some fuel from the refuel tanker)
      • "Go refuel."
      • "Go fill up."
      • "Go get gas."
      • "Fill up on gas."
      • "Go to the tanker."
      • "Refuel at the tanker."
    • Return to Base
    • (tells wingmen go back and land at the base)
      • "Return to base."
      • "Let's go home."
      • "RTB"
    • Re-Arm at Base
    • (tells wingmen to go get more weapons from the base)
      • "Go Re-Arm."
      • "Return to base and Re-Arm."
      • "RTB and Re-Arm."
      • "Go back and Re-Arm."
      • "Go Re-Arm at base."

Ground Commands

  • Ground - Requires the prefix "Ground"
    • Re-Arm
    • (asks ground personnel to do the following while you are parked)
      • "Requesting Re-Arm."
      • "Requesting refuel."
      • "Re-Arm and refuel."
      • "Re-Arm."
      • "Refuel."
      • "Repair."
      • "Requesting repair."
      • "I need fuel."
      • "Requesting service."

ATC Commands

  • ATC (Air Traffic Control) - All messages to tower must be preceded by "ATC", "Tower", "ATC {your vehicle name}" or "Tower {your vehicle name}". For example: "Tower, this is Alpha 1-1 requesting take off."
    • Takeoff
      • Runway
      • (used to make sure runway is clear so you can take off)
        • "Requesting take off."
        • "Requesting permission to take off."
        • "Ready for take off."
        • "Taking off."
        • "Requesting taxi to runway."
        • "Request taxi."
        • "Requesting taxi."
        • "Ready to taxi."
        • "Ready to taxi to runway."
        • "Ready for departure."
        • "Requesting departure."
        • "Ready to depart."
        • "I'm go for take off."
        • "Request to take off."
      • Vertical
      • (used to make sure you are clear to take off vertically)
        • "Requesting vertical take off."
        • "Ready for vertical take off."
        • "Ready for vertical lift off."
        • "Permission to take off vertically?"
    • Landing
      • Runway
      • (used to make sure runway is clear so you can land)
        • "Requesting landing."
        • "Request landing."
        • "Coming in for a landing."
        • "I need to land."
        • "Ready to land."
        • "Ready for landing."
        • "Requesting permission to land."
        • "Inbound for landing."
        • "Inbound for landing, full stop."
      • Vertical
      • (used to make sure landing pad is clear to land vertically)
        • "Requesting vertical landing."
        • "Permission to land vertically."
        • "I need a landing pad."
        • "Inbound for vertical landing."
        • "Coming in for a vertical landing."
        • "Reserve a landing pad."
    • Cancel Request
    • (used when plans changed and need to cancel the last command given)
      • "Cancel request."
      • "Disregard request."
      • "Cancel landing."
      • "Forget that."
      • "Cancel that."
      • "Never mind."
      • "Disregard."
    • Carrier Landing
      • Calling the ball
        • "Ball."
      • Clara ball
        • "Clara ball."
        • "Clara."
      • Self-wave-off (Aborting landing)
        • "Waving off."
        • "Going around."
        • "Aborting landing."

AWACS Commands


  • When stating your callsign, the number 9 must be said as "niner." The game does not recognize the term "nine."