Music Player

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The music player is a panel in an aircraft's cockpit that allows the player to play mp3 files from a dedicated music folder. The folder itself is located at the following file path within the Steam folder:

.../steamapps/common/VTOL VR/RadioMusic

There are 3 songs included in the music folder by default:

  • djijiji.mp3
  • song3.mp3
  • vtOrch.mp3

It is possible to add new song files to the folder to play them in-game via the music player. Bear in mind that only .mp3 files are supported.

VTOL VR is also capable of reading MP3 files from external folders.

By going to C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Boundless Dynamics, LLC\VTOLVR\SaveData and opening the gameSettings.cfg file in any text editor, change the path written in RADIO_MUSIC_PATH to your desired folder of choice.

Media Links

The default songs can be found on Soundcloud under BahamutoD's name:
