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"Medium range Anti-Radiation Missile with a unique top down attack angle."
― Weapon Description

The AGM-188 MARM is an anti-radiation missile (ARM) available to both the AV-42C and EF-24G. The missile is a middle ground between the long range of the AGM-88 and the short range of the AGM-126. Additionally, the AGM-188 is the only ARM to feature top-attack terminal geometry.


The AGM-188's unique top attack causes the missile to be more difficult to intercept, making it much more effective against resilient radar emplacements that would otherwise require several shots to saturate the target's defenses and achieve a kill.

It is recommended to prioritize equipping the AGM-188 on the AV-42C's E5 and E6 hardpoints, as each of the aircraft's wing-mounted hardpoints can take a rack of three AGM-126s for higher capacity.


  1. Enable the Master Arm switch.
  2. Open the ARAD page and set it to SOI.
  3. Select the AGM-188 as your current weapon.
  4. While holding the flight stick, use the thumb stick to slew the TAC over the desired radar contact. Push in the thumb stick to lock the target.
  5. Position your target within the lock-on cone displayed on the ARAD screen.
  6. Once in range, the Range Launch Authorization Lights will come on and the aircraft's Voice Warning System will announce: "Shoot!" Pull the trigger to fire the missile.


  • 1x AGM-188:
    • Cost: $5000
    • Weight: 375 kg


See Also